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PSYC-E4003 | Questions approfondies en psychologie du langage

This optional course aims at investigating further issues in language. The philosophy of the course is to choose a new topic about language each year and to try collectively to understand it better. Given that this is an optional course, the restricted number of students makes it possible to have a highly interactive class. Lessons are organized as seminars, with students or invited professors commenting articles, video talks, books. The atmosphere is open-minded and favors discussions. Based on the idea that we understand things better when we have to explain them, the final work of the students is to present a collective lecture on the topic at a group of researchers not expert in the topic (typically, members of the LCLD) and/or to propose a research project to tackle the issues we have pointed out during the course.

The topic changes each year. Feel free to ask us what the topic of the year is (or even to suggest one)


  • 2015-2016 : Traitement morphologique des mots: Où en sommes-nous ?
  • 2016-2017 : Les mécanismes de la perception de la parole
  • 2017-2018 : Langage et pensée
  • 2018-2019 : Theory of mind
  • 2019-2020 : Débat autour de la dyslexie
  • 2021-2022 : Impact des écrans sur le développement langagier