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Short CV

Research and academic positions

  • From 10/2021: Professor, LCLD, Université Libre de Bruxelles
  • 10/2023-09/2024: Sabbatical
  • 10/2017-09/2021: Associate professor, LCLD, Université Libre de Bruxelles
  • 10/2014-09/2017: Assistant professor, LCLD, Université Libre de Bruxelles
  • 05/2012-08/2012: Scientific stay, Reading and Language Lab, Washington University in Saint Louis MO (USA)
  • 10/2011-09/2014: Post-doctoral researcher, LCLD, Université Libre de Bruxelles
  • 10/2009-09/2011: Short term foreign postdoctoral fellow, LCLD, Université Libre de Bruxelles
  • 10/2008-08/2009: Teaching and research assistant in psychology, Laboratoire de Psychologie, Université Bordeaux 2
  • 09/2005-08/2008: Doctoral research fellow, Laboratoire de Psychologie, Université Bordeaux 2

Research activities

  • Research interests: see here.
  • Publications: see here.
  • Outreach opportunities: see here.
  • Research responsibilities:
    • Head of the Laboratoire Cognition Langage Développement (LCLD) (from May 2018)
    • Editorial duties: Associate editor for Psychologica Belgica (2017-2023)
    • Secretary and webmaster of the FNRS contact group in Psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics (GCPN, http://gcpn.ulb.be)
    • Refereeing for many scientific journals (JML, JEP, Cognition,…), funding agencies (MSCA, ANR, MUIR), and conferences (PIF, CogSci)
    • Organization and co-organization of scientific events: Scientific workshop: Tribute to Philippe Mousty (Brussels, October 13th 2017), Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS) (Brussels, 2017 May 31st 2017), Meeting of the Groupe de contact FNRS Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics (GCPN) (Brussels, October 25th 2016), Symposium ‘Structure and development of orthographic representations’ at the SSSR meeting (Hong-Kong, July 2013), 50th conference of the French Society of Psychology (Bordeaux, September 2008), Scientific day ‘Memory and cognitive aging’, Tribute to F. I. M. Craik (Bordeaux, September 2006)
    • Lab responsibilities: Person in charge for the BrainAmp EEG room and the eye tracking room (Eyelink 1000 system) at the CRCN

Academic activities

  • Teaching: see here.
  • Supervision: see here.
  • Academic responsibilities:
    • Since 09/2024: Vice-dean of the Faculty
    • Since 12/2020: Member of the committee SHS-2 of FNRS-F.R.S.
    • 09/2021-09/2023: President of jury for bachelor studies, Faculté de Psychologie, des Sciences de l’Education et de Logopédie, ULB
    • 01/2019-08/2020: Member of the committee for the Année thématique ULB 2019-20 
    • 12/2018-08/2022: Member of the Commission Universitaire de Classement (CUC) pour les chaires non profilées de l’ULB
    • 10/2017-09/2021: Coordinator of the Master Neuropsychologie et développement cognitif (ULB)
    • 10/2017-09/2021: Secretary of the faculty committee on internships
    • 2017-2020: ULB representative at the CESI (Commission de l’enseignement supérieur inclusif) and the ChESI (Chambre de l’enseignement supérieur inclusif, pôle Bruxelles)
    • 2016-2022: Member of the executive board of the CEFES-in (Centre d’Études et de Formation pour l’Éducation Spécialisée et Inclusive)
    • 2015-2020: Academic referent for students with specific needs (EBS) in the faculty

Distinction and awards

  • Awards
    • Teaching project “ Développement d’un dispositif pédagogique actif supporté par le numérique en vue de soutenir l’apprentissage” selected in the Top 5 of the projects of the university (ULB, May 2020)
    • Teaching project “Développement d’un dispositif pédagogique de classe inversée avec eBooks multimédias” selected in the Top 5 of the projects of the university (ULB, May 2016)
    • The Rebecca L. Sandak young investigator award (SSSR, July 2013)
    • Pierre Gréco award (national Ph.D prize, December 2009)
    • Ph.D prize of the University of Bordeaux (category Social and Human Sciences, June 2009)
  • Research grants (as PI)
    • 2024: Subside ULB, “Le pouvoir des livres : Comprendre le rôle causal de l’exposition à l’écrit sur les processus neurocognitifs de la lecture” (55,000€)
    • 2021: Actions blanches ULB, “Impact de la motivation et de l’engagement dans l’activité de lecture” (100,000€)
    • 2021: Mini ARC project, “Impact d’une aide à la réussite sur mesure avec ou sans allègement de programme sur le parcours académique de primo-inscrits BA1”
    • 2018: ARC consolidated grant (Consolidation concerted research actions), “Learning new words: How does reading experience impact lexical storage in adults?” (212,133€)
    • 2016: Subside from ULB, “Influence of regularities in visual word processing: Insights from artificial script learning” (70,000€, personal costs)
    • 2016: FER research grant, “Influence of regularities in visual word: Insights from artificial script learning” (69,000€, operating costs)
    • 2016: Research grant from the Fonds David et Alice Van Buuren, “Examining the impact of orthographic regularities with exposure through tablet computers” (6,000€)
    • 2015: FNRS research credit, “How the organisation of consonants and vowels within words impacts reading” (14,914€)
    • 2013: Grant from the faculty, “Investigation of handwriting production processes” (3,455€)
    • 2013: Program Hubert Currien 2013 (Belgian-French collaboration), “Bibron ou bibeuron? Impact de la catégorie des lettres sur la structure perçue des mots écrits et parlés” (3,350 €)
    • 2012: FNRS grant for short-term research stay at the Reading and Language Lab – Washington University in Saint Louis, USA (3,683 €)
  • Teaching grant (as PI)
    • 2020: ULB teaching credit (Fond d’Encouragement à l’Enseignement, catégorie Innovation pédagogique), “DIPNUM: Développement d’un dispositif pédagogique actif supporté par le numérique en vue de soutenir l’apprentissage” (26,366€)
    • 2015: ULB teaching credit (Fond d’Encouragement à l’Enseignement, catégorie Innovation pédagogique), “Développement d’un dispositif pédagogique de classe inversée avec eBooks multimédias”. Co-PI: A. Content (15,153€). Renewed in 2016 (19,328€)
  • Ph.D funding
    • 2021-Now: Cansu Altepe – Mini ARC grant
    • 2021-2023: Margaux Genucchi – Actions Blanches fellowship
    • 2020-now: Elodie Sabatier – ITN fellowship (Comm4CHILD)
    • 2018-2023: Anezka Smejkalova – UNI grant + ARC fellowship
    • 2018-2023: Joanna Isselé – FNRS Ph.D grant
    • 2015-2018: Camille Vidal – Mini ARC seed money + FNRS Ph.D grant
    • 2012-2016: Virginie Drabs – FNRS Ph.D grant


  • Experimental skills
    • Experiment programming (most used: PsychToolbox, PsychoPy)
    • EEG (Biosemi and BrainAmp systems, EEgLab, Letswave)
    • Eye tracking (Eyelink 1000)
    • Statistics (R, JASP)
    • Computing (R, Matlab, Python)
  • Open science initiatives: see here.
  • Membership: Psychonomic Society (PS), European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP), Society for Scientific Studies of Reading (SSSR)