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You can find here links to papers and communications to which I contributed. Insofar as possible, I provide a link to raw data (especially for the last published studies). A star (*) means the first author was a researcher under my supervision (MA, Ph.D candidate or post-doc fellow).


2024 – in press

  • *Smejkalova, A., & Chetail, F. (in press). Lexical integration of novel words learned though natural reading. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13423-024-02626-w. [raw data] [pdf]
  • *Sabatier, E., Leybaert, J., & Chetail, F. (in press). BOQS-CHILD : une échelle de qualité orthographique pour des enfants de fin de primaire, présentant ou non une surdité. A.N.A.E., 193. [raw data] [test] [pdf]
  • Chetail, F. (in press). Reading books: The positive impact of print exposure on written word recognition. Cognition. [raw data] [pdf].
  • * Altepe, C., Chetail, F., & Dehon, C. (in press). Réussir à l’université : rôle des pré-requis disciplinaires et intérêt d’un test diagnostique à l’entrée du parcours supérieur. Evaluer – Journal international de recherche en éducation et formation.
  • *Sabatier, E., Leybaert, J., & Chetail, F. (in press). Orthographic Learning in French-Speaking Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. doi: 10.1044/2023_JSLHR-23-00324. [raw data] [pdf].
  • Siegelman, N., …, Kuperman, V. (2024). Rethinking First Language–Second Language Similarities and Differences in English Proficiency: Insights From the ENglish Reading Online (ENRO) Project. Language Learning, 74, 249-294. doi: 10.1111/lang.12586.


  • *Smejkalova, A. & Chetail, F. (2023). Learning spelling from meaning: The role of incomplete contexts in orthographic learning. Experimental Psychology, 70(3), 145–154. https://doi.org/10.1027/1618-3169/a000587 [raw data] [pdf]
  • *Smejkalova, A., & Chetail, F. (2023). Learning new words by reading books: Does semantic information help? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 76, 568-582. doi: 10.1177/17470218221095735 [raw data] [pdf]


  • Chetail, F. & Sauval, K. (2022). Diversity matters: The sensitivity to sublexical orthographic regularities increases with contextual diversity. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 29, 1003-1016. doi: 10.3758/s13423-021-02029-1 [raw data] [pdf]
  • *Isselé, J., Chetail, F., & Content, A. (2022). The nature of perceptual units in Chinese character recognition. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 75, 1514-1527. doi: 10.1177/17470218211056895 [raw data] [pdf]
  • *Genucchi, M., Content, A., & Chetail, F. (2022). L’importance de la motivation à lire dans la compréhension en lecture chez les adolescents : le roman graphique, un outil prometteur ? L’Année Psychologique, 122, 643-685. [pdf]
  • Collette, E., Content, A., Schelstraete, M.-A., & Chetail, F. (2022). The extraction of orthographic and phonological structure of printed words in adults with dyslexia. Dyslexia, 28(1), 4-19. [raw data] [pdf]


  • Bertels, J., Bourguignon, M., de Heering, A., Chetail, F., De Tiège, X., Cleeremans, A., & Destrebecqz, A. (2020). Snakes elicit specific neural responses in the human infant brain. Scientific Reports, 10:7443, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-63619-y
  • Chetail, F. (2020). Are graphemic effects real in skilled visual word recognition? Journal of Memory and Language, 111. doi:10.1016/j.jml.2019.104085 [pdf] [raw data]


  • Chetail, F., Porteous, F., Patout, P.-A., Content, A., & Collette, E. (2019). BOQS: Une échelle de qualité orthographique pour l’adulte / BOQS: Brussels Orthographic Quality Scale. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 11, 214-226. [pdf] [raw data] [abstract in English] [utiliser BOQS / use BOQS]
  • Chetail, F., & Boursain, E. (2019). Shared or separated representations for letters with diacritics? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 26, 347-352. [pdf] [raw data]


  • Chetail, F., Ranzini, M., De Tiège, X., Wens, V., & Content, A. (2018). Tracking the impact of consonant/vowel letters in visual word recognition: A magnetoencephalography study. Cortex, 101, 73-86. [pdf] [raw data]


  • Chetail, F., & Content, A. (2017). The perceptual structure of printed words: The case of silent E words in French. Journal of Memory and Language, 163, 103-120 [pdf] [raw data]
  • Chetail, F. (2017). What do we do with what we learn? Statistical learning of orthographic regularities impacts written word processing. Cognition, 163, 103-120 [pdf] [raw data]
  • Ginsburg, V. Archambeau, K., van Dijck, J.-P., Chetail, F., & Gevers, W. (2017). Coding of serial order in verbal, visual and spatial working memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 146, 632-650.
  • *Vidal, C., Content, A., & Chetail, F. (2017). BACS: Brussels Artificial Characters Sets for studies in cognitive psychology and neuroscience. Behavior Research Methods, 49, 2093-2112. DOI 10.3758/s13428-016-0844-8 [pdf] [raw data] [fonts]


  • Chetail, F., Treiman, R., & Content, A. (2016). Effect of consonant/vowel letter organization on the syllable counting task: Evidence from English. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 28, 32-43. [pdf] [raw data]


  • Chetail, F. (2015). Reconsidering the role of orthographic redundancy in visual word recognition. Frontiers in Psychological Science, 6:645. [pdf]
  • Chetail, F., Balota, D., Treiman, R., & Content, A. (2015). What can megastudies can tell us about the orthographic structure of English words? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68, 1519-1540. [pdf]


  • Chetail, F., & Quémart, P. (2014). Orthographic and morphemic effects in the written syllable counting task. Experimental Psychology, 61, 457-469. [pdf] [raw data]
  • Chetail, F. (2014). Effect of number of syllables: New insights from the lexical decision task. Language, Cognition, Neurosciences, 29, 1249-1256. [pdf] [raw data]
  • Chetail, F., Scaltritti, M., & Content, A. (2014). Effect of the consonant-vowel structure of written words in Italian. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67, 833-842. [pdf] [raw data]
  • Chetail, F., Drabs, V., & Content, A. (2014). The role of consonant/vowel organization in perceptual discrimination. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 40, 938-961. [pdf] [raw data]
  • Chetail, F., & Content, A. (2014). What is the difference between OASIS and OPERA? Roughly five pixels. Orthographic structure biases the perceived length of letter strings. Psychological Science, 25, 143-149. [pdf] [raw data]


  • Mathey, S., Doignon-Camus, N., & Chetail, F. (2013). Syllable priming with pseudo-words in the lexical decision task. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67, 205-214. [pdf]
  • Chetail, F. & Content, A. (2013). Segmentation of written words in French. Language and Speech, 56, 125-144. [pdf]
  • Chetail, F. & Mathey, S. (2013). Interaction between phonemic abilities and syllable congruency effect in young readers. Journal of Child Language, 40, 492-508. [pdf]


  • Chetail, F., Colin, C., & Content, A. (2012). Electrophysiological markers of syllable frequency during written word recognition in French. Neuropsychologia, 50, 3429-3439. [pdf]
  • Lafontaine, H., Chetail, F., Colin, C., Kolinsky, R., & Pattamadilok, C. (2012). Role and activation time course of phonological and orthographic information during phoneme judgments. Neuropsychologia, 50, 2897-2906. [pdf]
  • Chetail, F., & Content, A. (2012). The internal structure of chaos: Letter category determines visual word perceptual units. Journal of Memory and Language, 67, 371-388. [pdf] [raw data]
  • Chetail, F. & Mathey, S. (2012). Effect of syllable congruency in sixth graders in the lexical decision task with masked priming. Scientific Studies of Reading, 16, 537-549. [pdf]


  • Chetail, F. & Mathey, S. (2011). Effect of syllabic neighbourhood as a function of syllabic neighbour length. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 18, 951-957. [pdf] [raw data] [reply to PubPeer]


  • Chetail, F. & Mathey, S. (2010). InfoSyll: A syllabary providing statistical information on phonological and orthographic syllables. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 39, 485-504. [pdf]
  • Chetail, F., & Mathey, S. (2010). Rôle de la syllabe dans l’apprentissage de la lecture: Etude en fonction du niveau de lecture. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l’Enfant, 107-108, 119-124. [pdf]


  • Chetail, F., & Mathey, S. (2009). Activation of syllable units during visual recognition of French words in Grade 2. Journal of Child Language, 36, 883-894. [pdf]
  • Chetail, F., & Mathey, S. (2009). The syllable frequency effect in visual recognition of French words: A study in skilled and beginning readers. Reading and Writing, 22, 955-973. [pdf]
  • Chetail, F., & Mathey, S. (2009). Syllabic priming in lexical decision and naming tasks: The syllable congruency effect re-examined in French. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63, 40-48. [pdf] [raw data]


Chetail, F. (2012). La syllabe en lecture. Rôle et implications chez l’adulte et chez l’enfant. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes (188 pages).



  • *Isselé, J., Chetail, F., & Content, C. (2020). Perceptual units in Chinese character recognition. Fifth meeting of the Groupe de Contact Psycholinguistique et Neurolinguistique (GCPN). Virtual meeting, December, 1st.
  • Content, A. Amighi, T., & Chetail, F. (2020). The Nature of Letter Representations: Abstract Letter Identity and Shape Information. 2020 Psychonomics meeting, Virtual meeting, November 19th-21th.
  • *Smejkalova, A., & Chetail, F. (2019). Learning new words by reading stories. Fourth meeting of the Groupe de Contact Psycholinguistique et Neurolinguistique (GCPN). Louvain-la-Neuve, December, 10th
  • Chetail, F., & Smejkalova, A. (2019). Learning new written words in adults: Investigation using a naturalistic situation of story reading. 2019 Psychonomics meeting, Montreal, November 14th-17th
  • Content, A. & Chetail, F. (2019). Investigating letter perception with fast periodic visual stimulation: Beware of hasty conclusions. 2019 Psychonomics meeting, Montreal, November 14th-17th
  • Chetail, F. (2018). Existe-il vraiment des effets des graphemes lors de l’identification de mots écrits ? Third meeting of the Groupe de Contact Psycholinguistique et Neurolinguistique (GCPN). Mons, November, 29th
  • Chetail, F. & Sauval, K. (2018). Statistical learning in printed words: The role and development of sensitivity to orthographic regularities. 25th annual conference of the Society of Scientific Studies of Reading (SSSR). Brighton, July 18-21.
  • Chetail, F. & Content, A. (2018). Readers’ sensitivity to letter and bigram frequency: Evidence from steady state visual evoked potentials. 2018 Psychonomics Europe meeting. Amsterdam, May 10-12.
  • *Isselé, J. & Chetail, F. (2017). Visual constraints on letter perception and how experienced readers defy them. Second meeting of the Groupe de Contact Psycholinguistique et Neurolinguistique (GCPN). Liège, December, 12th.
  • *Sauval, K. & Chetail, F. (2017). La fréquence des bigrammes a-t-elle un impact sur l’acquisition de la forme orthographique de nouveaux mots ? Second meeting of the Groupe de Contact Psycholinguistique et Neurolinguistique (GCPN). Liège, December, 12th.
  • *Vidal, C., Chetail, F., & Content, A. (2017). Emergence des effets de catégorie chez l’enfant apprenti lecteur. Second meeting of the Groupe de Contact Psycholinguistique et Neurolinguistique (GCPN). Liège, December, 12th.
  • Chetail, F. (2017). Are graphemic effects real in skilled visual word recognition? 2017 Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver, November 9-12th.
  • Content, A., Ranzini, M., Wens, V., de Tiège, X., & Chetail, F. (2017). The perceptual structure of printed words: A magneto-encephalography study. 2017 Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver, November 9-12th.
  • Chetail, F. (2017). Statistical learning and visual word processing: Development and impact. Conscious and unconscious aspects of learning – Satellite workshop of ESCoP 2017. Potsdam, September 2nd.
  • Content, A., Ranzini, M., Wens, V., de Tiège, X., & Chetail, F. (2017). The CV pattern determines the structure of orthographic representations: Evidence from magnetoencephalography. 20th conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP). Potsdam, September 3-6th.
  • Content, A., & Chetail, F. (2016). The perceptual structure of multisyllabic printed words: New evidence from silent E words. 2016 Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Boston, November 17-20th.
  • Chetail, F. (2016). Sensitivity to orthographic regularities in word processing: The case of pseudo-letter frequency in an artificial script. UKOG 2016, Oxford, July 7th.
  • Chetail, F. (2015). What do we do with what we learnt? The case of orthographic regularities in visual word recognition. 2015 Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, November 19-22nd.
  • Chetail, F. (2015). Letter string perception is influenced by regularities in the script. 19th conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP). Cyprus, September 17-20th.
  • Chetail, F. (2015). How orthographic regularities modify the cognitive and neural reading system. Second meeting of UNI, Ittres, May 28th.
  • Chetail, F. (2014). What kind of orthographic regularities do we learn? Third meeting of the COOL network. Leuven, December 11th.
  • *Drabs, V., Chetail, F., & Content, A. (2014). Influence of consonant/vowel categorization on letter identity judgments: A question of processing time? Psycholinguistics in Flanders 2014 (PIF2014). Ostend, May 8-9th.
  • Chetail, F., Balota, D., Treiman, R., & Content, A. (2013). Effect of consonant/vowel pattern in visual word recognition: Evidence from the English Lexicon Project. 2013 Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, November 14-17th.
  • Content, A., & Chetail, F. (2013). The perceptual structure of printed letter strings: Insights from the word length illusion. 2013 Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, November 14-17th.
  • Content, A., & Chetail, F. (2013). The role of the CV pattern in visual word recognition. 7th Tucson Lexical Processing Workshop, London Ontario, November 13-14th.
  • Content, A., & Chetail, F. (2013). The word length illusion: Linguistic structure biases perception. 18th conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP). Budapest, August 29th-September 1st.
  • Chetail, F., Treiman, R., & Content, A. (2013). How the alternation of consonant and vowel letters determines the orthographic structure of written words. 20th annual conference of the Society of Scientific Studies of Reading (SSSR). Hong Kong, July, 10-13th.
  • Chetail, F., & A. Content, A. (2012). What is the difference between oasis and opera? Roughly 5 pixels. How word structure determines word length. 53rd Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, USA, November 15-18th.
  • Ginsburg, V., Chetail, F., & Gevers, W. (2012). Lateralized coding of ordinal information in spatial working memory. Conference of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS), Liège, May 10-11th.
  • Ginsburg, V., Chetail, F., & Gevers, W. (2012). Spatial coding of ordinal information in spatial working memory. 1st meeting on Advances in Numerical Cognition Research. Brussels, March, 29-30th.
  • Chetail, F., & Content, A. (2011). Are there really two syllables in the written word chaos? 17th conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP). Donastia-San Sebastian, 29th September – 2nd October.
  • Chetail, F., Colin, C., & Content, A. (2011). ERP markers of syllable frequency and syllabic neighbourhood in French. 10th International Symposium of Psycholinguistics. Donastia-San Sebastian, 13rd-16th April.
  • Chetail, F., & Mathey, F. (2010). Effet d’amorçage syllabique en reconnaissance visuelle de mots chez le jeune lecteur. Colloque de la Société Française de Psychologie (SFP). Lille, 7-9 septembre.
  • Chetail, F., & Content, A. (2010). The syllabic priming effect in visual word recognition: Under what conditions? Psycholinguistics in Flanders 2010 (PIF2010). Ghent, 25th – 26th May.
  • Chetail, F., Doignon-Camus, N., & Mathey, S. (2009). Syllable priming depends on the frequency of the first syllable in the lexical decision task. 6th conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP). Krakow, 2nd – 5th September.
  • Chetail, F., & Mathey, F. (2008). Rôle de la syllabe dans l’apprentissage de la lecture : étude chez des bons et faibles lecteurs en CE1 dans une tâche de décision lexicale colorée. Colloque “Approches cognitive et développementale de l’apprentissage de la lecture”. Angers, 27-28 novembre.
  • Chetail, F., & Mathey, S. (2008). Nature de l’effet d’amorçage syllabique chez le lecteur expert en français. Colloque de Société Française de Psychologie (SFP). Bordeaux, 10-12 septembre.
  • Mathey, S., & Chetail, F. (2008). L’effet d’amorçage syllabique dans la reconnaissance visuelle des mots en français. Colloque de la Société Française de Psychologie (SFP). Bordeaux, 10-12 septembre.
  • Chetail, F., & Mathey, S. (2006). Effet d’amorçage syllabique lors de la reconnaissance visuelle des mots chez le lecteur expert. Colloque International des Etudiants Chercheurs en Didactique des Langues et en Linguistique. Grenoble, 4-7 juillet.

Invited talks

  • January 2023: L’Extension de l’ULB, Nivelle, Belgium.
  • 2021: Applied Linguistics/Psycholinguistics lab – Erfurt university, Erfurt, GermanyJuly 2019: Ecole d’été en logopédie-orthophonie, Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium
  • October 2017: Scientific day: Tribute to Philippe Mousty, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
  • September 2017: Centre de l’enseignement de promotion et de formation continue (EPFC), Brussels, Belgium
  • February 2015: Laboratoire Neurosciences Cognitives et de Psychopathologie Cognitive, Université de Liège, Belgium.
  • May 2013: Laboratoire Parole et Langage (LPL), UMR 7309, Aix-en-Provence, France.
  • May 2013: Centre de Recherches sur la Cognition et l’Apprentissage (CeRCA), Université de Poitiers, France.
  • February 2012: Aging & Development Brown bag seminars, Washington University in Saint Louis, USA.
  • March 2011: Unité de REcherche en sciences Cognitives et Affectives (URECA), Université Lille 3, France.
  • November 2009: Seminar SCOLA inter-laboratoires, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.


  • *Altepe, C., Thomas, N., Content, A., & Chetail, F. (2020). Motivation à lire et habitudes de lecture des élèves de niveau primaire en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. Fifth meeting of the Groupe de Contact Psycholinguistique et Neurolinguistique (GCPN). Virtual meeting, December, 1st.
  • Chetail, F. & Sauval, K. (2020). Letter Contextual Diversity Increases Sensitivity to Orthographic Regularities within Words: A Two-month Exposure Study. 2020 Psychonomics meeting, Virtual meeting, November 19th-21th.
  • *Isselé, J., Chetail, F., & Content, A. (2020). Sublexical Combinations of Stroke Patterns Are Implicated in Chinese Character Recognition. 2020 Psychonomics meeting, Virtual meeting, November 19th-21th.
  • *Smejkalova, A., & Chetail, F. (2020) Learning new words through story reading: The specific link between orthographic skills and new orthographic form acquisition. 2020 Psychonomics meeting, Virtual meeting, November 19th-21th.
  • *Smejkalova, A., & Chetail, F. (2019). Learning new words by reading stories: Does semantic information help? 2019 ESCoP conference, Tenerife, September 25-28th.
  • *Isselé, J., Chetail, F., & Content, A. (2019). Sublexical combinations of stroke patterns and their role in Chinese character recognition. 2019 ESCoP conference, Tenerife, September 25-28th.
  • *Smejkalova, A., & Chetail, F. (2019). The effect of semantic information on new word learning in adult readers. 2019 BAPS meeting, Liège, 14th of May.
  • *Isselé, J., Chetail, F., & Content, A. (2019). Sublexical units in Chinese character position. 2019 BAPS meeting, Liège, 14th of May.
  • *Sauval, K. & Chetail, F. (2018). Learning new printed words: Does bigram frequency help? 2018 Psychonomics Europe meeting. Amsterdam, May 10-12.
  • *Toumani, S. & Chetail, F. (2017). Les effets graphémiques sont-ils réels en reconnaissance visuelle de mots ? Second meeting of the Groupe de Contact Psycholinguistique et Neurolinguistique (GCPN). Liège, December, 12th.
  • *Boursain, E., & Chetail, F. (2017). The representation of letters with diacritics: A priming study in French. 20th conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP). Potsdam, September 3-6th.
  • *Sauval, K., & Chetail, F. (2017). Does bigram frequency genuinely impact visual word recognition? An ERP study. 20th conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP). Potsdam, September 3-6th.
  • Bertels, J., Destrebecqz, A., Chetail, F., & de Heering, A. (2017). Rapid categorization of snakes in the infant’s occipital cortex: Evidence from fast periodic visual stimulation. Conference of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS 2017). Brussels, May 31st.
  • *Boursain, E. & Chetail, F. (2017). How are letters with diacritics represented? A study in French. Psycholinguistics in Flanders 2017 (PIF2017). Antwerp, May 29-30th.
  • Chetail, F. (2016). Letter frequency in an artificial script: We learn and use what we learnt very rapidly. 2016 Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Boston, November 17-20th.
  • Chatelain, M., Chetail, F., & Colin, C. (2016). Effects of a visual priming paradigm on categorical speech perception. Conference of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS 2016)
  • Chatelain, M., Chetail, F., & Colin, C. (2016). Modulating categorical speech perception using a visual masking paradigm. Psycholinguistics in Flanders 2016 (PIF2016). Antwerp, May 16-17th.
  • Archambeau, K., Ginsburg, V., van Dijck, J.-P., Chetail, F., & Gevers, W. (2016). Investigation of associations between ordinal position in working memory and space. European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone (Italy), January
  • *Drabs, V., Chetail, F., & Content, A. (2015). Letters are automatically categorized as consonants and vowels: Interference of letter category in the letter-matching task. 2015 Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, November 19-22nd.
  • *Drabs, V., Content, A., & Chetail, F. (2015). Is the categorization of letters as consonants and vowels automatic? A cross-case matching study.  Psycholinguistics in Flanders 2015 (PIF2015). Marche-En-Famenne, May 21-22nd.
  • Chetail, F., & Content, A. (2014). Tracking the time course of CV pattern effects in visual word processing. 2014Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Long Beach, November 20-23rd.
  • Chetail, F., Leberre, J., & Content, A. (2013). The role of the consonant/vowel pattern in the perceptual discrimination of letter strings. 18th conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP). Budapest, August 29th-September 1st.
  • *Drabs, V., Chetail, F., & Content, A. (2013). Interference of consonant/vowel letter categorization on physical and nominal identity judgments. 18th conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP). Budapest, August 29th-September 1st.
  • *Drabs, V., Chetail, F., & Content, A. (2013). Is the categorization of letters as consonants and vowels automatic? Psycholinguistics in Flanders 2013 (PIF2013). Leuven, May 30th-31st.
  • Archambeau, K., Ginsburg, V., Chetail, F., Van Dijck, J.-P., & Gevers, W. (2013). Ordinal position in WM and spatial locations induce shifts of attention independantly. Conference of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS), Louvain, May 28th.
  • Ginsburg, V., Van Dijck, J.-P., Chetail, F., Fias, W., & Gevers, W. (2013). Coding of ordinal memory in working memory. Conference of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS), Louvain, May 28th.
  • Chetail, F., Drabs, V., & Content, A. (2013). Breaking consonant/vowel alternation within written words facilitates discrimination. 11th symposium on Psycholinguistics. Tenerife, March 20-23rd.
  • Chetail, F., & Content, A. (2012). Units within words: Comparison between skilled and beginning readers. 19th annual conference of the Society of Scientific Studies of Reading (SSSR). Montreal, July, 11-14th.
  • Content, A., Drabs, V., & Chetail, F. (2012). The influence of C/V alternation on perceptual parsing of letter strings. 19th annual conference of the Society of Scientific Studies of Reading (SSSR). Montreal, July, 11-14th.
  • *Drabs, V., Content, A., & Chetail, F. (2012). The internal structure of written words: An influence of C/V alternation in masked priming. Conference of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS), Liège, May 10-11th.
  • Chetail, F., & Mathey, S. (2007). The syllable congruency effect with the masked priming procedure re-examined in French. 15th conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCop), Marseille, 29th August – 1st September.
  • Chetail, F., & Mathey, S. (2006). Priming French words with syllabic neighbours: An effect in the lexical decision task. Journée Scientifique “Mémoire et Vieillissement Cognitif – Hommage à F.I.M. Craik”. Bordeaux, 22 sept.
  • Chetail, F., & Mathey, S. (2005). Effet de la distribution du voisinage orthographique des pseudomots en situation d’amorçage masqué. 6ème Colloque des Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences Cognitive. Bordeaux, 2-4 mai.